Friday, October 9, 2009

Caps, Acid, and Saying a Few Goodbyes

Today we finished up some fairly routine stuff, but still very important! We pressed down all of the red wines in tank. This means that we took a big metal pole with a flat square on the end and "stirred the pot". When the wines are sitting in the stainless steel tanks the skins and pulp tend to rise to the top of the must and create a cap of sorts. By stirring the tanks we are able to re-submerge the skins to allow more of the color to be imparted into the wine. When I watch the boys do this it seems rather labor intensive. I am going to have to get up there someday soon and let you know just how difficult it is to press through the cap that has been made by the grapes.

Today we also added sulfur to the Viognier barrels. By adding the sulfur we are able to kill off any bacteria that could be lurking about as well and neutralize the lactic acid. From what I understand there are many different types of acid but the two main acids are malic acid and lactic acid. The malic acid is that flavor you get from eating a granny smith apple, while the lactic acid is more of a yogurt flavor. We use the sulfur to reduce the lactic acid and keep the wine very crisp and clean, keeping the malic acid up front on the palate. Chemistry at work folks, chemistry at work! I had no idea that this much science was involved in wine making... I guess I thought a sprinkle of yeast and a dash of acid and a wine could take care of itself! Boy was I wrong...

One more point of interest, more on the tasting room side then the wine making side, but important none the less. We are just about sold out of our Les Vents de'Anges Viogner and our Cabernet Sauvignon... we have about 8 cases of each and I would be suprised if the LVD lasted through the weekend. So if you enjoy either of those two wines come in and snag them while you can. Personally, I am going to be so sad to see the Cabernet Sauvignon go... On the bright side though, the Cabernet Franc should be released soon! Either way you have an excuse to come in and keep me company during the day, so I'll see you soon!

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